Your writing is not shit, so if you are not getting read, that isn't the reason. Especially since I don't think very many of us are being read. What we are doing is recirculating our own subscription fees to each other so it's no wonder most us aren't even breaking $10 a month. This would qualify as one of the worst MLM schemes ever in terms of return.
I confess, my most prolific month on Medium was November with 12 articles published that month. I've only managed six to eight a month since then, and that by spending what would normally be family time, me time, or work time writing. I guess to get any more than the tiny bucks or the medium bucks, you have to write and publish full time. I'm not there yet, not as a writer and especially not as a breadwinner. All I can commit to is writing something every day, whatever shit bubbles up, and then taking the best of that, polishing, and publishing.
Rant over. Thanks for listening!